Come with us to explore the real world in Egypt
maybe you will understand that only not knowing leads to unnecessary fear of the unknown.
Although there are dissimilar world cultures that have diverse habits, where people dress differently, live in different environments, have different options… Yet we all have the same desire and it does not matter if we live in a luxury villa or a small hut.
Who would not want to:
*be loved *live in happiness *have families
*have good friends *be healthy...?
“The greatest wealth of every human are new pieces of experience, new meetings and new horizons which are opened for us every day“
We are preparing a special program for smaller groups of travelers which is precisely tailored.
- We can help you with preparing the journey according to your expectations, wishes and options
- You will not stay in big resorts, we will provide accommodation in small guesthouses or hotels in the city
- We will show you the city and daily life
- You will be invited to small meals in families, where you can also discuss everyday worries and joys. We preferably visit families which take care of someone with a disability, elderly or sick person. They are paid for the preparation of meals so that they could buy necessary medication or equipment for their loved ones. A local organization, which is dedicated to charity work, will help us with the selection of familie

In planning this program we wanted to…
....show the beautiful part of the world to people, allow them learning about other cultues and thus wipe fear of the unknown, connect people, help people...